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OpenSees AMI

Minimal Working Example

Original Post - 01 Jul 2021 - Michael H. Scott

Visit Structural Analysis Is Simple on Substack.

When people post online or e-mail me about what could be a bug in OpenSees, I’ll ask for a minimal working example (MWE), i.e., a simple script that reproduces the problem. I don’t want to deal with elaborate scripts–yours or mine.

So, what does an MWE look like for OpenSees? Here’s a non-exhaustive list of OpenSees MWE characteristics:

Like OpenSees itself, the simpler the better for an MWE.

Going through the process of creating an MWE is sometimes enough to resolve the issue. Often, a “bug” is actually a scripting or input error. I would like to believe that’s why I don’t always receive an MWE when I ask for one.