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OpenSees Scattergories

Original Post - 13 Feb 2022 - Michael H. Scott

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This is the blog’s 200th post, which I will celebrate by not writing something technical. Instead, I will let you know that I organized the other 199 posts into the following Categories:

Future posts will sort into these Categories too, but like OpenSees itself, the Categories will evolve. In fact, I have already pondered creating a category on Linear Analysis to syphon off some of the posts I threw into the Nonlinear Analysis category.

You can access the Categories from the sidebar when viewing any blog page on a desktop or laptop. On a tablet or mobile device, the Categories will be at the bottom of the page.

You will also notice a Tag Cloud below the list of Categories. Tags bundle more specific groups of posts, often cutting across Categories. For example, click on Bull Durham to see the posts inspired by the best baseball movie of all time.

The title of this post comes from the game Scattergories because blogs are naturally scattered in their topics. You could say the posts jump around all nimbly bimbly from tree to tree, like in another popular game about Cats.

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