OpenSees Cloud
OpenSees AMI
OpenSees to JSON
Original Post - 25 Sep 2022 - Michael H. Scott
Visit Structural Analysis Is Simple on Substack.
The plain text JSON format is widely used for moving information to and from back end servers in web applications. So I’ve been learning how to work with JSON for OpenSees Cloud and a couple other projects.
JSON is nothing new in the OpenSees universe. Some element and material
classes write key-value pairs when the OPS_PRINT_PRINTMODEL_JSON
flag is
passed to the Print() function. However, like sendSelf and recvSelf, the
JSON print functionality is largely broken as many people–myself
included–have not implemented this option in their models. The keys,
indentation, and scoping are unclear when writing JSON data from the
bottom up.
From the top down you have more control over keys and scoping. To this
end, I wrote top-level Python scripts to save an OpenSees model to JSON
using DIY print statements. I made some rookie moves though in order to
manage the brackets and avoid dangling commas at the end of node and
element lists. The scripts quickly got out of hand, then Minjie said
“you should use the
Thanks again, Minjie!
It only takes a few lines of code to save basic OpenSees model
information to JSON. Consider the famous
three member truss example.
First, you save the model data to a Python dictionary–modelData
in the
code below.
import openseespy.opensees as ops
ops.node(1,0,0); ops.fix(1,1,1)
ops.node(2,144,0); ops.fix(2,1,1)
ops.node(3,168,0); ops.fix(3,1,1)
# Analyze, do whatever
# Get dimension and coordinate bounds
modelData = {'ndm': ops.getNDM()[0], 'bounds': ops.nodeBounds()}
# Get nodal coordinates
nodeData = {}
for nd in ops.getNodeTags():
nodeData[nd] = {'coords': ops.nodeCoord(nd)}
modelData['nodes'] = nodeData
# Get element types and connectivity
elementData = {}
for ele in ops.getEleTags():
elementData[ele] = {'nodes': ops.eleNodes(ele),
'type': ops.eleType(ele)}
modelData['elements'] = elementData
The model data includes the number of model dimensions, global bounds on the model, the nodal coordinates, and the element types and connectivity. The code shown will work for any OpenSees model, not just the three member truss. You can save more model data, but I didn’t want this post to get out of control.
Next, you write the modelData
dictionary to a JSON formatted file with
the json.dump()
import json
with open('model.json','w') as outjson:
In its default mode, the json.dump()
function produces a one line file
whose size is 325 bytes for the simple three member truss model.
To make the JSON file human readable, use the indent
with open('model.json','w') as outjson:
This option produces a formatted, multi-line file that is useful for debugging.
Due to whitespace characters, human readable JSON files can become unnecessarily large. For this small model, the JSON file size increased to 669 bytes, over twice as large as the default dump.
For the smallest file size possible, remove the indentation and specify list and key-value separators without whitespace.
json.dump(modelData,outjson,separators=(',', ':'))
This option produces a compact one line file.
The compact file is 281 bytes, which is not much less than the original 325 bytes or the readable 669 bytes. However, I have seen a 21.1 MB JSON file generated from a large OpenSees model of solid elements reduced to 8.5 MB by simply removing whitespace.
The JSON model data covered in this post is enough to render an OpenSees
model, but not much else. You can add more model data as well as
analysis results by calling ops.nodeDisp()
, ops.eleResponse()
, and
similar commands. You will see that the JSON files quickly become very
large and calling all the node and element response functions after each
analysis step will bog your script down.