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How to Profile OpenSees

Original Post - 21 Nov 2022 - Michael H. Scott

Visit Structural Analysis Is Simple on Substack.

Where does the time in a nonlinear finite element analysis go? For large models, solving equations dominates the analysis time, while for small to moderate models, constitutive models (state determination) dominate. It is impossible to know the relative cost of state determination and solving equations prior to an analysis. Profiling tools can tell you after the fact where a program spent its time.

This post shows how to use gprof, a Linux/Unix profiling tool, to find the distribution of computation time for an OpenSees Tcl analysis. Profiling a standalone executable is far easier than profiling a shared object file such as

Install gprof

The gprof tool is part of the binutils package.

$ sudo apt-get install binutils

Note: I used Ubuntu 20.04 in generating this post.

Re-compile OpenSees in DEBUG Mode

To get a profile out of OpenSees, you need to enable certain compiler options. So that you don’t have to futz around with command line arguments, the necessary compiler options are enabled by setting the DEBUG_MODE variable in your Makefile.def configuration file.


Now you need to wipe OpenSees clean using make wipe in the top level OpenSees/ directory.

OpenSees/$ make wipe

Then re-build OpenSees. This can take a few minutes, so use multiple processors, e.g., 4, if you got ‘em.

OpenSees/$ make -j 4

Due to sprinkling of profiling bread crumbs throughout the code, the resulting executable will be larger than normal and analyses will run slower than usual. So, when you’re done profiling, be sure to change back to NO_DEBUG and re-compile after wiping OpenSees clean again. But don’t do that yet–you still need to profile.

Run an OpenSees Analysis

With OpenSees built in DEBUG mode, you can run the Tcl script for an analysis you want to profile.

$ OpenSees model.tcl

Although the analysis will take longer to run compared to NO_DEBUG, you’ll see the usual output, etc. However, with debug mode turned on, a binary file gmon.out will be created in your working directory. This is a binary file that gprof can turn into useful information. To this end, you run gprof with the absolute path to your OpenSees executable (mine is in ~/bin/) and re-direct the output to a text file.

$ gprof ~/bin/OpenSees gmon.out > modelProfile.txt

You can redirect to whatever filename you want.

View Profile Results

Now, you can view the text file with profile results to see where the time went. The “Flat profile” at the start of the file gives the most useful information. The flat profile ranks the function calls by % time and also shows cumulative and self time for each function.

For example, in the profile below, 59.18% of the time was spent in Steel02:setTrialStrain(), with 15.12% and 11.09% spent in FiberSection2d::setTrialSectionDeformation() and UniaxialMaterial::setTrial(), respectively.

  %   cumulative   self              self     total           
 time   seconds   seconds    calls   s/call   s/call  name    
 59.18      8.06     8.06 279724800     0.00     0.00  Steel02::setTrialStrain(double, double)
 15.12     10.12     2.06   699312     0.00     0.00  FiberSection2d::setTrialSectionDeformation(Vector const&)
 11.09     11.63     1.51   626304     0.00     0.00  FiberSection2d::getInitialTangent()
  4.48     12.24     0.61 279724800     0.00     0.00  UniaxialMaterial::setTrial(double, double&, double&, double)

More detailed explanations of the flat profile are provided in the text file generated from gmon.out. The explanations come after the flat profile, which can be pretty long. Search the text file for “Copyright” and you’ll get pretty close to the explanation of terms.

You can find additional information on each function in the subsequent “Call graph” section. The function with the index number, e.g., [8], has parent functions listed above and child functions listed below. The self and children fields represent the time propagated to and from the indexed function.

index % time    self  children    called     name
                2.06    8.78  699312/699312      ForceBeamColumn2d::update() [1]
[8]     79.6    2.06    8.78  699312         FiberSection2d::setTrialSectionDeformation(Vector const&) [8]
                0.61    8.17 279724800/279724800     UniaxialMaterial::setTrial(double, double&, double&, double) [9]
                0.00    0.00  699312/3471523     Vector::operator=(Vector const&) [37]
                0.00    0.00 1398624/1406520     Vector::operator()(int) const [707]

More detailed explanations of the call graph data are provided in the profile text file, after the lengthy call graph list. Search for “Copyright” again and you’ll land near the explanation of call graph terms.

Improve the Code

Now you know where to focus to make your code more efficient. Or you can use the profile information when you post an issue on GitHub.

When you’re done profiling, don’t forget to recompile OpenSees with NO_DEBUG so that you get back to a lean, mean executable.

I’m not aware of good tools to profile OpenSeesPy analyses or to profile OpenSees Tcl in a Windows environment. If you know of profiling tools for either of these cases, let everyone know in the Comments section below.