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OpenSees AMI
One Is All You Need
Original Post - 02 Mar 2025 - Michael H. Scott
Visit Structural Analysis Is Simple on Substack.
It is fairly well known that you can use a single force-based element to simulate the material nonlinear response of a frame member. Likewise, using a corotational mesh of displacement-based elements is an effective approach to simulate combined material and geometric nonlinearity.
A previous post looked at geometric nonlinearity with linear-elastic response in a single element. But using only one element per frame member to represent both material and geometric nonlinearity is a sort of holy grail for OpenSees analyses.
OpenSees has three frame element formulations that are capable of simulating material and geometric nonlinear response within the basic system:
– uses Green-Lagrange strain and accounts for moderate rotations in the element displacement field -
– uses Lagrange polynomials to approximate the element displacement field from curvatures at the integration points -
– enforces strong equilibrium like the force-based formulation, but assumes a shape function for the element displacement field
When I first set out to write this post and compare these three element formulations, I picked what turned out to be a moderately difficult problem. So, I went back to (and modified) a standard test problem for geometric nonlinearity. The model is a simply-supported beam with an eccentric axial load applied at one end.
The beam is W14x90 with bilinear stress-strain response where E=29000 ksi and Fy=36 ksi with 5% strain-hardening ratio. Yeah, the strain-hardening is pretty high, but it let’s us crank in a lot of load and see the effects of combined material and geometric nonlinearity.
Five Gauss-Legendre points are used in each element formulation and each section is discretized into 6 web fibers and 4 fibers in each flange. The peak axial load is 0.8EI/L2 with eccentricity equal to half the section depth.
import openseespy.opensees as ops
kip = 1
inch = 1
ksi = kip/inch**2
L = 200*inch
E = 29000*ksi
Fy = 36*ksi
alpha = 0.05
H = alpha/(1-alpha)*E
# W14x90
d = 14*inch
bf = 14.5*inch
tw = 0.44*inch
tf = 0.71*inch
I = 999*inch**4
# Load and eccentricity
Pmax = 0.8*E*I/L**2
e = 0.5*d
ops.node(1,0,0); ops.fix(1,1,1,0)
ops.node(2,L,0); ops.fix(2,0,1,0)
# ops.element('forceBeamColumnCBDI',1,1,2,1,1)
# ops.element('dispBeamColumnNL',1,1,2,1,1)
tmax = 1
Nsteps = 100
dt = tmax/Nsteps
for i in range(Nsteps):
For each element formulation, the computed response is compared to the
response obtained using one element of the formulation’s geometrically
linear counterpart (dispBeamColumnNL
to dispBeamColumn
to forceBeamColumn
; and mixedBeamColumn
and without the -geomNonlinear
option) as well as the exact solution.
And by “exact solution” I mean the response obtained using a fine
corotational mesh of displacement-based elements.
Note that the plastic axial load for this beam is 954 kip and the yield moment is 430 kip-ft. The beam yields at an applied axial load under 450 kip, with corresponding applied moment of about 260 kip-ft, indicating a high amount of axial-moment interaction.
The computed axial load-rotation results are shown below for the displacement-based formulations. As expected, the single element solutions are stiffer and stronger post-yield compared to the exact solution.
The computed results for the force-based formulations are shown below. The geometrically nonlinear CBDI formulation is close to the exact solution.
Finally, the computed axial load-rotation results are shown below for hte mixed formulations. The geometrically nonlinear formulation agrees with the exact solution.
While you can capture some geometric nonlinearity with a single
element, you are better off to use either the
or mixedBeamColumn
(with -geomNonlinear
option) if you would like to simulate combined material and geometric
nonlinear with a single frame element.